Technical Blog

Blue Robotics Ethernet Switch: Test Results

Posted by Josh Elijah on 26th Jul 2021

Blue Robotics Ethernet Switch: Test Results

BotBlox Meet Blue Robotics When Rustom Jehangir from Blue Robotics approached us to collaborate on an Ethernet Switch for their underwater rovers, we were super excited to get involved. The fo …

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Posted by Josh Elijah on 16th Jul 2021

SwitchBlox 5V Output Performance

IntroductionSwitchBlox contains a 5V output that can be used for powering downstream devices. This is a really useful feature, so we wanted to provide more quantified data on how this 5V output perfor …

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Posted by Aaron Elijah on 4th Jul 2021

Introduction to SwitchBlox Test Rig

We introduced SwitchBlox, the world’s smallest Ethernet switch in 2017 and it’s been used in a variety of applications from subsea robots, weather balloons and compact industrial infrastructure. To su …

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